Thursday, December 17, 2009

It's Christmas Time Again

******** It's Christmas Time Again

Yes it's Christmas time again, and I am gearing up for the festive season with my birthday on the 20th, my Granddaughters fourth birthday on Christmas Eve and of course Christmas Day. For those who follow Robins-Organs, I must apologise for the large break since the last article in May. My Grandson Leo James Matthew, was born in early May, but passed away through lack of kidney and lung development, after three days in an incubator. It was a difficult time for the family and I had to give my support to those around me for a long time. Well, Christmas music is all around again, and I have to say that there is a great variety of carols, and songs to get your teeth into, or just enjoy. I have two new videos her for you. One is a Rhumba entitled "Mary's Boy Child" made famous by Harry Belafonte (and don't I wish I could sing like him). The other is what should be a Christmas classic, called "Stop The Cavalry" and was an original piece by Jona Lewis in the early 1970's (and yes, I checked the spelling of his name). For those who know the lyrics, you will appreciate the opening and closing content of my video pictures. This piece for those of you who love dancing or playing for dancing, is a great March Polka, and so makes a great Barn Dance.

Try it.

In both pieces you will hear the use of instrument changes, including Saxophone, Trumpet, Solo Flute, Flutes, Strings, and V
oice. You should also be able to pick out the changes in Reverb, Sustain, Fast and Slow Tremolo and Celeste. I will have more new pieces on You Tube in the next couple of days, and a new article here before Christmas Day.

Have a Safe and Happy Christmas wherever you are in the world.

Best Wishes.
