Sunday, December 28, 2008

Twas Christmas Day In the hospital

Well fellow organists, guess who had an emergency operation on a detached retina at 3-30 on Christmas Morning?
Yep. Me.

Well I have to say that as I was carol singing with my wife at our local community carol Sevice on Christmas eve afternoon, the vision in the right eye was suddenly getting worse as a rather large black area moved up from the lower left vision area. By 8-15 inb the evening I was persuaded by the family to go to thehospital. They took one look, and rang the on-Call specialist who came over from the Carols By Candlelight service in the City. I was earmaked for an operation at 1 in the morning but other operating room cases moved me to 3-30 am. I awokw after a general anesthetic was used to put me out for the Op, and they had stitched up two teras in the retina I believe. At 4 pm on Christmas day, I given a local anesthetic and they injected Gas into the eye.
Now on 29th December I am typing this with a rather amusing gas bubble floating arounf in the little vision I currently have in the right eye, BUT it is a lot better as I have just got back from a checkup.

Unfortunately it hindered my organ playing a fraction, so here attched is an older one of my playing called Blame It On The Bossanova, a melody that my wife and I used to dance too.

The tree is ours


Best wishes to you all for 2009


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